Where's Teddy Now?

The Ideal of Friendship

I found a high school yearbook the other day, and in amongst the many comments from who were then in my circle of companions, I found one that related as to how I was the biggest facist (of the right wing variety) that he (the commentor) had ever known.

Perhaps it was the pro-Isreali or anti IRA views I voiced in poly-sci that labelled me. Funny, I always fancied myself a liberal of the bleeding heart variety. Admired Trudeau, used to like Chretien (until the realities of power overtook him), used to like Martin (until he lost all ability to make decisions, the pussy). For my American and foreign friends, these are former and present Canadian Prime Ministers.

Point is, that among my leftist views was not so much a hatred of things American, but rather a cynical, intellectual superiority over them. They were dumb, uncultured, loud.

I have, of course, outgrown this, and now thank the deities for the U.S. having won the cold war (never thought I’d say viva Regan).

I still think Americans are loud, often obnoxious, opinionated and too often holier-than-thou, but I still thankn them for winning the war, and being a generally stabilizing influence upon the world in the 20th, and 21st centuries.

Like you would prefer Putin and his gangsters to be in such a position?

My point is (and yes, Virginia, I do have one) is this: despite our differences in politics, in opinion, in interpretations of trade law, we remain brothers in this North American culture we have developed. We are friends, and we are there for each other. I don’t know what it is (beyond money) we, as Canadians can do (Canadian Red Cross) – our armed forces DART team (with water purification capability) would be a good first step.

Whatever it is, our government has pledged to help. I hope our neighbours take us up on it.


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