Where's Teddy Now?


Because I couldn’t choose just one (and I’ve had seven already): What should I be when I grow up?

You Should Be in the Military

You are driven, focused, and an extremely hard worker.
And while you can be ruthless in getting what you want, you also have a compassionate side.
You are able to balance your own desires with the needs of others.
You’ll do almost anything to get the job done, but you’re not willing to step on anyone’s toes.

You do best when you:

– Are working with others
– Are in a fast paced environment

You would also be a good CEO or school principal.

So the military, is it? At one point, I actually underwent the interviews to joint the military as an officer candidate. A little bit of trivia for the parental unit, known to haunt these parts from time to time. Yep, I almost went to Kingston on the ROTP (Regular Officer Training Program).

Take the quiz; you get eight careers to choose from. Second choice: doctor. Third: artist.

Doctor? Well, I watch ER and Grey’s Anatomy (or is that Gray’s?), but really?

I don’t disagree with it, not really. At one point( after graduating as a teacher), I semi-seriously considered going to med school. And after than, nursing school. As consolation, I became a ski patroller, and I did that for four years. I liked the idea of not freaking out at the sign of blood, which I had plenty of opportunity to do.

As for artist… well, let’s just say that I have enough from the gene pool that I’m sufficiently interested in music, photography, writing.

(Wonder if Adam reads this?)

But my first choice was doctor. Too old now, but I might perhaps rejoin patrol. I like the colour red.

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