Where's Teddy Now?


This is Robert. He’s originally from Toronto, where I took this photo, but is currently living in Vancouver. An old hippie he called himself, now house-sitting in Cabbagetown for a friend for a year. He graduated from Jarvis Collegiate Institute, my old high school, in 1969. A few years after I was born.


This is part of new project of mine, Twoonie Portraits*. In short, I’ll give you a twoonie for the pleasure of taking your photo and hearing your story. This is my first one, and I had to screw up the courage toask him for it. Tina, well she ran with Ellie around the corner so as to not be “embarrassed” by my efforts.

*For my non-Canuckian visitors, the twoonie is our two dollar coin. Meant to rhyme with “loonie”, our one dollar coin that sports, oddly enough, a Loon on it.

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