Where's Teddy Now?

On the fine art of Blogging

Hey look: I’m a nub at this blogging game. Although I have kept up a site, mostly with photos and trip reports for about 4 years over at the original Where’s Teddy Now, and at another site, TedTravels, those were mainly for friends and family.

So excuse me for feeling a little overwhelmed at getting over 2000 hits over the past week.

No the head is not swelling; I know a good number of those are me, checking up on myself every post, and from bots and spiders and such. But this thing is a bit addictive.

But looking at my referrers is kinda interesting. I got 2 hits from people searching MSN for Kevin Hilliard, whom I mentioned earlier as a member of the Ladies and Gentlemen, and a couple looking for the search term “basque”, and being led to my rememberances post.

Like, wot up wit that?

Right now, it’s mostly fellow bloggers reading. I’ve found some interesting links and articles that might be of interest to such an audience.

  • Why People Read Blogs presents a view which I happen to share, although I don’t go through as many blogs as Phil does.
  • 11 Things Bloggers Need To Do gives some useful tips which I’ve taken to heart.
  • A List Apart presents several articles on the mechanics of writing. In short, I sometimes do it wrong. If we want to be taken seriously for our views, then we have to write seriously. Yes, spelling does count.
  • More on writing styles from Blogger, this is sort of a rip-off of Eats, Shoots, and Leaves, a fun little book on grammar.
  • Starting a theme based blog (like I am)? Here’s a first hand account that is sure to motivate. I don’t know how long the WSJ article will be available, though.

And yes, just look at the timestamp. Still can’t sleep.

2 thoughts on “On the fine art of Blogging

  1. I think the main reason I blog is for the disturbing search requests. We top google on several specific but not totally unreasonable searches.

    I believe when Rea first started blogging and I just read along she posed the question “Why do people blog?”. Her idea was that it was a way to get ideas across and it was a neat new form of communication.

    However, someone (I cannot remember who) responded with “Blogging is masturbation for the ego”. I have to agree.


  2. Totally agreed. The ultimate ego derrangement. What would Freud have thought… the interego?

    I wonder if I’ve coined a new phrase? One’s consciousness online? Am I original on this?

    Nope. Second paragraph down. Say hi to Jeremy for me.

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