Where's Teddy Now?


We are stuck in a rut, we Albertans. 37 years of single party rule, which will likely continue even after the expected election to be called on Monday. Ed “where’s my personality” Stelmach is likely to maintain his benevolent governance not because we’re all a bunch of red-neck, country bumpkin cowboys, but because the votes of said redneck, country bumpkin cowboys (and girls) count for more than us eastern, liberal, leftard, latte sipping bastards who live in the city.

No really, it’s true. If I didn’t want to perpetuate an overly used blog cliche, I’d say go over there and read it. I’ll wait.*

The battle is shaping up to be one between an emotionless, personality-less, automaton versus an even more characterless opposition leader who speaks like a teacher talking to grade 2 students. Loads of fun no matter how you slice it.

But honestly, I’d take heightened intellectual capacity to cluelessness anyday. Word on the street has it that Stelmach, when asked who his favourite Albertan artist was (you know, at the announcement of cultural and arts funding in Calgary this week) was stumped to name anyone.

Anyone like Corb Lund, just for starters.

For the record, this latte sucking, liberal leftard quite appreciates Corb. And James Keelaghan, Leslie Feist, K.D. Lang, The Skydiggers, Tegan and Sarah, Kris Demeanor, and Bill Bourne? How about friggen Ian Tyson?

I’d be curious to hear what Eddie actually answered after the long pause. Carry on!

* Don’t ever use this blog cliche for real. Else it will be the worst. Blog. Entry. Ever. Evar!!!

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