Where's Teddy Now?


No, it’s not Shania. It’s a hot air balloon. A belated Valentines surprise for La Fille ™ this morning.


A perfect day for ballooning. Not too cold, clear as a bell (excepting for the smog), sunny, and calm.

I began the morning by telling Ti (at 6:50 am) that she needed to do two things for me. “Okay” she muttered, in her sleepy stupour. One, don’t ask any questions. (This was a surprise, after all). And two, to get up and warmly dressed.

To which she did the unexpected thing, and asked: “Why?”

Please refer to “thing” number one.

Yes, there are plenty of details to report on, but it’s been a long day, and a few photos will have to suffice. The views, though, were breathtaking from two hundred metres up.


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